How can I optimize my website to rank high on FREE Google Results?
The truth is - when a website is optimized SEO for Google someone either did it for them or someone showed THEM how to SEO. Now I certainly make part of my living optimizing website for others who want to know how to - it is easier to recommend a low cost program where you can learn yourself.
Learn how to get FREE traffic and truly see how you can do it yourself
Google ranks websites by those that are deemed to have the most authority on the given topic/keyword. Google pays much less attention to what is actually on your web page itself than what most people think. Yes, you heard me right. You don't actually even need to mention your keyword anywhere on your website to rank highly for the keyword!
Google looks at who's "voting" for a website, to determine how highly it ranks. If important sites are "voting" for your website, you will rank highly.
You must know EXACTLY why the top 10 ranked sites in Google are currently ranked where they are. You can't guess by simply looking at their web page itself. Learn HOW to optimize and use that knowledge forever!
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