One of the most enjoyable things for me is taking a client's passion and helping them turn it into $$$ on the Internet. Yes, the topic you love and know about is exactly the right place to start when you want to make long lasting money online. What's YOUR passion? What do you know a lot about already?
Don't think of money or products first. Start with what you know already and your passion for it!
It really doesn't matter what your interest is - Assuming it's not illegal or inappropriate. In this day and age, there is a product or service for ANYTHING. What should be done first is create an avenue to get traffic to a website based on the subject matter and the content. Once you have traffic and a following, you WILL make money - and ongoing....if you do it right.
I have clients who make great affiliate income or sell self made products and services in almost every industry.
You do not have to own an existing business. Think of what your hobbies are. What do your friends tell you that you are good at. Even if you run marathons or other races on weekends - you probably have knowledge above the average person on things like conditioning, health foods, sports shoes and other apparel. Think along those lines.
Do you love movies? Think of interesting site ideas there. Reviews, goofs within the making of the film, trivia. You may think you can't make money in those examples - but you can. Affiliate marketing programs allow you to showcase high prices products in ANY industry, but that is wrapped around the content you create.
Why is a working knowledge of something important BEFOREHAND?
Because to make an online business really successful without paying for advertising for every visitor, you need to be able to write content that Google will pick up and rank you. This content must be constant over the life of your online business. It's the biggest thing people miss. You can have THE best opportunity to sell product X at an amazing profit %, but if you can't write about the industry that the product is based on, it will be very hard for you to get visitors or traction of any kind for your business.
Having a strong passion for an area will keep you moving forward during those moments of feeling stagnant
Yes! We all get jazzed up in the beginning of new ventures, but after that initial phase gets you down - writing and creating content on a subject you know is the perfect therapy to get you going again and to look for a new product to go with that.
Be an Expert and Others will share your WORDS and more!
This is perhaps the best reason to really know your area of expertise. When good original content is put on the internet that is interesting and informative, it will be of value to someone else. This opens the door to writing articles, blogging, and more. Share your wisdom, and it will come back 10 fold back to you!
Find your passion. Then you can start on your road to making money!....and enjoying what you are doing.
Nick Hunter
Internet Marketing and SEO Coach
I am a 15 year experienced SEO Consultant specializing in helping website owners with Search Engine Optimization Tips, Help and full projects. Organic SEO is the first thing a website owner should focus on before engaging in external Search Engine Marketing. This includes Facebook Marketing, Linked in or other Social Media. Internal SEO must come first. Hopefully you will find great tips and help through this Online Marketing Blog.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Website Content - More is MORE when it comes to improved Google Ranking
You do not have to be a keyword expert to get your existing site to rank better for hundreds of keywords and phrases in Google's free search results. Get MORE on the site.
One of the first things I look for when a new client asks me why I think a site is not ranking well is the density of content. The WRITTEN words! A website can appear large - even though in Google's eyes, it isn't big at all. Blocks of pictures, text built into logos or image are important for visuals, but to Google - it does NOT make up for good ole fashion content.
Google Ranking Content Basics
Google is the best search engine in the world because they provide the most accurate results to you and I. It is a complex criteria that really no one knows all the variables. But one thing IS for sure. If you search for anything on Google, you will notice any site that appears on the first page of the results will have a healthy amount of content. This is also true for smaller sites (10 or 12 pages or less) if they have large blocks of content on their home page.
Write Naturally
You know your business. You know what you offer and want traffic for. Just write it. More, More, More. Yes, using an expert writer will help optimize it to maximize the effectiveness of the wording, but Google is adept enough to pluck these words from your site - even if they are not in perfect sequence for a keyword phrase. But if there are no words, your site is throwing traffic out the window.
There is no limit to amount of content on a site if it is written well and balanced. Repeating the same keyword over and over again will do little good. Not only does that read poorly to a visitor - you will get penalized by Google. It's best to write naturally. Have a plan for a paragraph and the page.
Having a high ranking site requires other follow through, but without the content quantity, the site will most likely never get on the "first team" for first page Google ranking.
Use a Word Processor for Accumulating Content
One tip I give my coaching clients is to write locally on your computer, so you accumulate the best content you can use over a period of time. I personally use Google Docs for you writing. I can access it from anywhere. I also never know when I have that creative "bug" to write content. Don't wait until your in your admin or web host to start writing more content. I find I get distracted with all the tools, photos and other aspects within my site. Use a blank sheet of paper via google docs, microsoft word or even notepad.
More, More and More content. Your website will reap the rewards ongoing!
Thank You,
Nick Hunter
SEO Coaching
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Become a Google Ranking Expert for YOUR website - Live Search Engine Coaching Program
Highly experienced Internet Marketing Entrepreneur and Search Engine Optimization Expert is here to work with you as a virtual Internet and Web Marketing Coach
I will show you what the pros know and what I have done for over 15 years.
No advanced computer knowledge needed. This isn't "techie" stuff. It's all about knowing how and where to get to success in Search Engine Google techniques and Internet Marketing.
ANYTHING marketing related that you want to know, I can help you LEARN and get it done.
Social Media Advertising
Running multiple website
Build a mailing list
Optimization and writing to get HIGH GOOGLE RANKING
Article writing
Anything less you have interest in succeeding in.
Give me a reply here or call me and I'll show you how this works. It's a home run for you.
I have limited space on how many I can help right now, SO GET IN TOUCH WITH ME.
My credentials are fully available on the Internet and we'll have a good first talk to show you how much I CAN HELP YOU.
Contact me - Nothing to lose to hear moreThank You!
Nick Hunter
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